Things To Consider Before Buying A House

There are issues such as the state of conservation, the legality of the property, the condominium that you will never be able to forget. Always to help you and make your life easier, we have prepared a list of topics that you should consider before doing business.

Budget Available

Before you even start looking for a suitable house for your needs with Quadwalls, you should sit down and do the math. Understand what budget you have available for monthly bills and, through that, understand the value of the house you can buy.

Remember that the purchase of a house involves several expenses, such as condominium (if applicable), water, electricity, gas, television and internet, insurance for the house, contents and, eventually, life insurance (if necessary, a mortgage loan), IMI (Municipal Property Tax); this is in addition to all expenses with food, health, well-being and any savings you might want to make.

New Or Used

With a budget available, decide whether you want to buy a completely new house or a used one. There are several aspects to take into account in each case.

If you are still unsure, try to compare prices and always pay attention to the condition of the used house, if any. It may just need a new paint job, or it may need a complete makeover. It’s a good idea to ask current residents about the condition of the house. Know the date of construction of the house and compare it with its state of repair to make a more sensible decision.

If you choose to buy a new house, you should try to inquire about the builder, get to know other buildings built, and realize the quality of the work and monitor the property’s warranty period.

Location And Accessibility

The location of your home is an essential aspect. Issues such as the price of water and the IMI depend on the municipality where you live. The IMI also depends on the value attributed by the Finance to the property. You should be aware of these values ​​so that you don’t have any unpleasant surprises. In addition, a good location makes it easier for you to sell your house in the future.

It would help to conduct a site assessment to determine what services and infrastructure you have around you. Being close to supermarkets, hospitals, transport, schools or daycare centers and roads is a practical matter that should not be neglected. For example, picking up the car whenever you need to buy bread can be very annoying and costly. Including this information in a buyer presentation can greatly assist potential buyers in understanding the conveniences and limitations of a property’s location.

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